2.4 GHz Radio

Servonaut Zwo4 in the early days and today
Servonaut Zwo4 has been developed in 2008 in a way, that it still meets all legal requirements (keyword CSMA/CA Collision Avoidance). The system uses a future-oriented industry radio standard, a flexible transmission format and has still capacities when it comes to the number of chanels, telemetry and special functions.
This is remarkable since almost all manufacturers in airplane model construction have revised or completely changed their systems. For the first generation of the 2.4 GHz radios manufactured around 2008, the receivers are generally no longer available.
Multimetry with up to four receivers
Due to the built-in telemetry, information can be returned from the model back to the transmitter. All Zwo4 receivers report the battery and receiver voltage of the model. No extra expensive sensor is needed. The HS12/16 shows the voltage of up to four models at the same time. The alert thresholds can be adjusted.
Unique: Up to four receivers can send telemetry data at the same time! This way, an HS12/16 can alarm an undervoltage state even for those models which are not currently being used, but ready.
Quick model change, remote-controlled switch-on and switch-off
With the Zwo4 up to four models can be switched on at the same time. The transmitter is in constant contact with the receivers, this is why a change of models and an activation of one of these models is always possible without delay. A receiver in stand-by deactivates its outputs to all servos or other units like ESCs. With the extra circuit board AN40, the supply voltage of a model can be switched off completely. Only the receiver remains active, so it can be switched back on by remote control.Multibus: Nautic- and Multiswitch compatible
The Zwo4 is one of a few 2.4GHz systems that can control the Graupner Nautic or Robbe Multiswitch decoders or light systems interference-free. Nautic or Multiswitch signals are processed separately in the receiver. This ensures that there are no malfunctions even under difficult radio conditions.
We have developed these old procedures consequently to our new dropout-tolerant Servonaut MultiBus, whereas classical systems have a 'hold' or 'fail-safe' function that could disturb a Multinaut or Multiprop decoder when confronted with transmission dropouts.