Hi there
that's correct
in my case its the Dörr Titan 48 Black
Greetings Peter
Hi there
that's correct
in my case its the Dörr Titan 48 Black
Greetings Peter
Kann einfach gedreht werden
Thanks Heiko
Mail send
Greetings Peter
Hello Heiko
Will check as soon as i get the trucks from my friend. Might take a while but i will certainly let you know if this was the problem.
Peter Wils
Both are AIR4.
Both trucks have M24
Hi Tim
Your English is as good as mine, i have to use it because my German sucks. I understand German but writing i can't. Please take good care of your health that's more important than the hobby.
I use linear servo's to make a lifting axle, they are powerful enough so you can keep using the original suspension. This means that with your axle down you still have normal suspension.
You can also drive with your axle lifted the whole time, because the power shuts off and the servo stays in it's position.
Hello Heiko
Do you need versions of the AIR4's then?
The problems occur on the same trailer. With truck 1 everything works great. With truck 2 (on the same trailer) everything works except the rear lights.
Hello Heiko
The trucks are with a friend of me. It are 2 AIR4 's and 1 AMO
Hello there,
I have 2 trucks, both fitted with air 4. My trailer has 2 lifting axles and complete lights working with AMO. With truck 1 all axles and ALL the lights can be activated. With truck 2 all axles work and all the lights ( blinkers, reverse, stop )work, except the rear lights. When i put truck 1 again in front of trailer everything works great including rear lights. Anyone a solution?
Is LA10 fully compatibel with M24? I would like to have the option of " leerlauf " and the new G22 does not have that. Or are there plans for a G24 with is programmable like the M24?
Thanks for the quick reply Jörg.
Problem solved by changing the settings as you suggested.
Great team you have there. Many thanks
Bought a HS12 , R9 and two R12 at the fair in Dortmund. Put the new truck i'm building for a friend on a R12 and set up the transmitter, all works well. Put the R9 on an his older truck with a M20+ and SMX and tried to set up the HS12.
Everything works except one side of channel 4. So i can put on the lights, blink to the right and put him in forward drive, can't blink left, use hazard lights or put drive back in neutral or reverse. Tried the R12 witch works ok in the new truck, same result.
Tried my own HS12 with the R9, same result. When i put back the old receiver ( carson 10 channel ) and the transmitter Carson ultimate touch 10 channel everything works fine. The previous owner shortened the servo cables both on M20+ and SMX.
Don't think this is a problem because everything works fine with the Carson. On the Carson transmitter the throttle channel is trimmed because the truck starts driving when stick is in neutral. Had to trim the HS12 too for that reason.
With the HS12 and the R9 or R12 there is also a rattling noise to be heard that isn't there with the Carson configuration.
Thanks Heiko
Showing Version 1,7 now
After updating HS12 i got the message " update done " . When restarting the transmitter the screen keeps telling it's Version 1,6
If you use the soft keys to command your blinkers then you can use them to change gears too. Hold down on the brake while applying the left blinker for reverse or the right blinker for forward gear.
About the Sandmaster 430 Arocs. Could it be available in the future with only head chassis so we could mount a hook multilift for example?